Our Academy

Useful Contacts

The key staff contacts at the academy are:

Mr Richard Briggs CEO
Mrs Claire Knight Principal
Deputy  Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Anna Wood Vice Principal & acting SENDco
Mrs Melanie Nurse Assistant Principal
Upper Key Stage Two Lead
Mrs Kate Williams Behaviour, Attendance, Safeguarding and Wellbeing Lead (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Miss Sophie Hall SENDco & Medical Needs Coordinator
Mrs Amy Carmichael Early Years Foundation Stage Lead
Mr Charlie Greenwood Personal, Social Education and Relationship and Sex Education Lead
Mrs Emma Stiles Office Lead Administrator

Our Academy address is:

Healing Primary Academy
Fords Avenue
DN41 7RQ

Please direct all enquiries to the school office [email protected] for the attention of the appropriate member of staff or call the office on (01472) 882261.