Key Information


At Healing Primary Academy, we strive to bring out the best in every child – academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually – to ensure that all pupils (including disadvantaged children and those with SEND) meet and exceed their potential, gaining the necessary skills needed to be happy, safe and successful in their future lives.

We achieve this through providing an inclusive, rich, broad, balanced and relevant curriculum throughout both key stages and Foundation Stage. Our focus on careers and enterprise through the Skills Builder Partnership and links with local industry enables our children to be successful in their future education, training and careers.

We recognise the value of reading in accessing a holistic curriculum and developing effective study skills and therefore reading is embedded throughout our curriculum design. We celebrate the diversity in our school and local community and utilise this to educate our children about the wider world, beyond NE Lincolnshire.

We ensure coverage of the National Curriculum, East Riding RE curriculum, we meet statutory requirements for Sex and Relationships Education, and provide a rich PSCHE curriculum via the suggested programme of study by the PSHCE Association.

The school teaches phonics using THRASS (Teaching Handwriting, Reading and Spelling Strategies). For information on THRASS, click here:

The Foundation Stage Framework is underpinned by the Statutory Framework for the early years foundation stage, Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters.

High levels of knowledge and understanding of reading, writing and maths in Key Stage One allow children full access to the National curriculum. We enrich our curriculum through providing a wide range of educational visits and visitors, extra-curricular activities and specialist teachers for PE and music.

Our two-year rolling programme ensures coverage and progression in knowledge and skills, within mixed year-group classes; we are working on refining our curriculum to ensure it is appropriately sequenced to further enhance this.

Every subject is led by at least one qualified teacher. There is an expectation that subject leaders champion their subject and continually monitor and review its impact, incorporating areas for development into their action plans.


Our Curriculum Offer

Statement of Intent

Our curriculum has been designed with three goals in mind:

  1. To ensure all our pupils have the opportunity to fulfil their academic potential.
    We achieve this by:

    • Providing a comprehensive, stimulating curriculum that equips children with knowledge and skills for them to be successful;
    • Offering a curriculum that is rooted in knowing more and remembering more through building on prior knowledge and extending vocabulary.
    • Embedding reading throughout our curriculum, in order to develop confident readers who choose to read for pleasure;
    • Having high expectations in all subjects.
  2. To provide children with the life skills and cultural capital needed to be successful in the future.
    We achieve this by:

    • Educating our children about the wider world, beyond North East Lincolnshire;
    • Providing a curriculum that reflects our local community;
    • Focusing on careers and enterprise through the Skills Builder Programme and STEM opportunities;
    • Enriching our curriculum through a wide range of visits and visitors;
    • Teaching a broad and balanced curriculum.
  3. To develop personal attributes, which enable children to be healthy, happy, responsible citizens.
    We achieve this by:

    • Developing a culture that prioritises wellbeing and mental health which encourages pupils to thrive socially and emotionally and fosters a readiness to learn;
    • Providing a safe and stimulating learning culture, which promotes independent and resilient learners and where everybody feels valued;
    • Allowing opportunities for children to realise and share their talents;
    • Giving opportunities to take part in a wide range of extra- curricular activities;
    • Teaching a rich PSHE curriculum, where children learn about diversity and to be tolerant and respectful;
    • Celebrating diversity through a comprehensive global calendar of planned whole school events.