Opportunities to Visit
I would like to invite you to join us for a tour of Healing Primary Academy, enabling you to see the offer from Harbour Learning Trust.
We warmly invite you to come and see what we offer and get the answers to any questions you may have. Please call the school office on 01472 882261 to arrange an appointment.
We hope that this page gives you all of the information about the admissions process and how you apply to join Healing Primary Academy, part of the Harbour Learning Trust.
Please feel free to share this information with any of your friends or family who may also be considering their primary school options for next year or the years ahead.
To apply for a place at Healing Primary Academy, here’s what you need to do:
- Check when your child is due to start – click What year is my child in?
- Read the Admissions Policy (link below). It is important to take note of the oversubscription criteria as you may have elements which give you priority over others should we receive more applicants than places.
- Complete the Council’s admissions form.
Any applications received after the closing date will be considered after all of those completed and submitted on time.
What happens next
- If your application is on time, you will be able to collect your offer on 17 April 2025.
- If you apply by paper form, your offer will be posted on 17 April 2025. If your application is late, The County Council will process it after 29 May 2025 then send you a letter.
- Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a waiting list. If a place becomes available this will be allocated using the School’s Admissions Policy and over subscriptions criteria.
- Unsuccessful applicants have the right to appeal once every academic year – information will be sent with the decision letter from North East Lincolnshire
Council. The deadline to appeal to be received is 19 May 2025.
Changes to your application?
Please inform the respective council and Healing Primary Academy immediately of any change of address in writing and ensure that you follow up within 10 working days to confirm details have been received.
Useful Links and Documents
Please click on the links below to view the relevant pages.
- https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/assets/uploads/2024/08/School-catchment-list-2024-2025.pdf
- https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/assets/uploads/2024/08/Creating-a-Portal-Application.pdf
- https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/assets/uploads/2025/01/Information-on-parental-disputes-and-school-applications.pdf
- https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/assets/uploads/2024/11/Applying-for-Primary-School-2025-2026-A-guide-for-parents.pdf
For the Academic Years 2026/27
- North East Lincolnshire Council Online Application
- In Year Admissions (for those already in another school or new to Grimsby)
- To Appeal a School Place